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authorNumber of Records : 4

Call.No Title Publishing Author ISBN Record.No
1 a BX3060
An introduction to the history of the institute of the Brothers of christian schools : The eighteenth century 1726 - 1804/Br. Henri Bedel; translated by Br. Allen Geppert
Rome, [ Italy ] : Brothers of the Christian Schools/General Council) , 1998 Bedel, Br. Henri 87596
2 a BX3060
An introduction to the history of the institute of the Brothers of the Christian schools : The origins: 1651 - 1726/Br. Henri Bedel; translated by Br. Allen Geppert
Rome, [ Italy ] : Brothers of the Christian Schools/General Council) , 1996 Bedel, Br. Henri 87598
3 a BX3060
The institute in the educational service of the poor/Br. Bruno Alpago; translated by Br. Allen Geppert
Rome, [ Italy ] : Brothers of the Christian Schools/General Council) , 2000 AlPago, Br. Bruno 87602
4 a BX3060
The conduct of schools : Pedagogical approach/Leon Lauraine; translated into English by Allen Geppert
Rome, [ Italy ] : Maison Saint Jean-Baptiste De La Salle , 2006 Lauraire, Leon 110161