Author Search

authorNumber of Records : 7

Call.No Title Publishing Author ISBN Record.No
1 a QA273
Introduction to probability and statistics
California, [ United States ] : Duxbury Press , 1971 Mendenhall, William 18875
2 a HF1017
A couse in business statistics
Boston : PWS Publishing Company , 1992 Mendenhall, William 29169
3 a QA276
Mathematical statistics with applications
California, [ United States ] : Duxbury Press , 1990 Mendenhall, William 31098
4 a QA276.12
Understanding statistics
Belmont : Dexbury Press , 1994 Ott, R. Lyman 34061
5 a QA276
Introduction to probability and statistics
California, [ United States ] : Duxbury Press , 1994 Mendenhall, William 34770
6 a FD:
Introduction to probability and statistics
California, [ United States ] : Duxbury Press , 1994 Mendenhall, William 83299
7 g FD:
Understanding statistics
Belmont : Dexbury Press , 1994 Ott, R. Lyman 83306