Subject Search

TitleNumber of Records : 21

Call.No Title Publishing Author ISBN Record.No
1 a BF318
Les fondements de l'apprentissage et de la cognition
Quebec : Gaetan Morin , 1992 Dore, Francois Y 2324
2 a BF698
Personality : a cognitive view/Ronald H. Forgus, Bernard H. Shulman
New Jersey, [ United States ] : Prentice Hall , 1979 Forgus, Ronald H. 10846
3 a BF455
A study of thinking/James S. Bruner
New York, [ United States ] : John Wiley and Sons , 1956 Bruner, Jerome S. 11582
4 a BF637
Cognition and Behavior modification
Massachusetts : Ballinger Publishing Company , 1974 Mahoney, Micheal J. 11607
5 a BF311
Perceiving, acting and knowing : toward and ecological psychology
New Jersey : Erlbaum Associates , 1977 12155
6 a BF311
Culture and thought : a psychological introduction/Michael Cole, Sylvia Scribner
New York, [ United States ] : John Wiley and Sons , 1974 Cole, Michael 15694
7 a BF311
The process of cognition
New Jersey, [ United States ] : Prentice Hall , 1977 Blumenthal, Arthur L 17518
8 a BF311
Cognitive processes
Belmont, [ United States ] : Brooks Publishing Company , 1966 Manis, Melvin 18578
9 a BF311
Cognitive psychology : memory, language, and thought
New York, [ United States ] : Macmillan Publishing Co. Inc. , 1983 Howard, Darlene V. 19129
10 a BF455
Thinking, problem solving, cognition/Richard E. Mayer
New York, [ United States ] : W. H. Freeman and Company , 1983 Mayer, Richard E. 25040
11 a BF311
Cognition : Theory and applications/Stephen K. Reed
California, [ United States ] : Brooks/Cole Publishing Company , 1988 Reed, Stephen K. 26755
12 a BF697
Unstable ideas : Teperament, Cognition, and Self
Massachustts, [ United States ] : Harvard University Press , 1989 Kagan, Jerome 29172
13 a BF311
Intelligence, creativity and cognitive style/George Shouksmith
London, [ United Kingdom ] : B. T. Batsford Ltd , 1970 Shouksmith, George 29649
14 a BF673
Behind the mirror : a search for a natural history of human knowledge
New York, [ United States ] : Harcourt Brace Jovanovich , 1977 Lorenz, Konrad 35462
15 a P211
The world on paper : the conceptual and cognitive implications of writing and reading
Cambridge, [ United Kingdom ] : Cambridge University Press , 1994 Olson, David R 37818
16 a GN281.4
The prehistory of the mind : the cognitive origins of art, religion and science
London, [ United Kingdom ] : Thames and Hudson , 1996 Mithen, Steven 41083
17 a LB1060
Learning theories : an educational perspective/Dale H. Schunk
New Jersey, [ United States ] : Pearson Prentice Hall , 2004 Schunk, Dale H. 0130384968 84909
18 a BF371
Memory, metaphors, and meaning : reading literary texts/Nicolae Babuts
New Brunswick, [ United States ] : Transaction Publishers , 2009 Babuts, Nicolae 1412845831 96492
19 a P115.4
The Psycholinguistics of Bilingualism/Francois Grosjean and Ping Li
Massachusetts, [ United Kingdom ] : Wiley-Blackwell , 2013 GrosJean, Francois 9781444332797 99791
20 a BF637
Relevance : communication and cognition/Dan Sperber and Deirdre Wilson
Oxford, [ United Kingdom ] : Basil Blackwell Ltd. , 1986 Sperber, Dan 0631137572 101102
21 a P37
Women, fire, and dangerous things : what categories reveal about the mind/George Lakoff
Chicago, [ United States ] : The University of Chicago Press , 1987 Lakoff, George 0226468046 101229