Author Search

authorNumber of Records : 4

Call.No Title Publishing Author ISBN Record.No
1 a BX5133
John Henry Newman sermons 1824-1843/edited by Placid Murray, Vincent Ferrer Blehl
Oxford, [ United Kingdom ] : Clarendon Press 93584
2 a BX4705
The white stone : The spiritual theology of John Henry Newman/Vincent Ferrer Blehl
Massachusetts, [ United States ] : St. Bede's Publications , 1993 Blehl, Vincent Ferrer 1879007037 93653
3 f BX890
The Essential Newman
New York, [ United States ] : New American Library , 1963 Blehl, Vincent Ferrer 107482
4 a BX4705
John Henry Newman 1801-1890/by Vincent Ferrer Blehl
Birmingham, [ United Kingdom ] : The Newman Secretariat , 1991 Blehl, Vincent Ferrer 114381