Author Search

authorNumber of Records : 4

Call.No Title Publishing Author ISBN Record.No
1 a HA29
Statistics for people who (think they) hate statistics/Neil J. Salkind
London, [ United Kingdom ] : SAGE Publications Ltd , 2011 Salkind, Neil J. 9781412979597 96024
2 a LB3051
Tests and measurement for people (who think) they hate tests and measurement/Neil J. Salkind
London, [ United Kingdom ] : SAGE Publications Ltd , 2013 Salkind, Neil J. 9781412989756 98638
3 a HA29
Statistics for people who think they hate statistics/Neil I. Salkind
London, [ United Kingdom ] : Sage Publications, Ltd. , 2014 Salkind, Neil J. 9781452277714 102409
4 a LB3051
Tests and measurement for people who (think they) hate tests and measurement/Neil j. Salkind
London, [ United Kingdom ] : Sage Publications, Ltd. , 2013 Salkind, Neil J. 9781412989756 102989