Author Search

authorNumber of Records : 6

Call.No Title Publishing Author ISBN Record.No
1 a TX651
Practical cookery
London, [ United Kingdom ] : Edward Arnold and Co. , 1972 Ceserani, Victor 338
2 a TX943
The theory of catering
London, [ United Kingdom ] : Edward Arnold and Co. , 1973 Kinton, Ronald 509
3 a TX651
Questions on practical cookery
London, [ United Kingdom ] : Edward Arnold and Co. , 1976 Ceserani, Victor 10866
4 a TX651
Practical cookery/Victor Ceserani, Ronald Kinton
London, [ United Kingdom ] : Edward Arnold and Co. , 1974 Ceserani, Victor 81803
5 a TX943
Ceserani and Kinton's the theory of catering/David Foskett and Victor Ceserani
London, [ United Kingdom ] : Hodder Arnold , 2007 Foskett, David 9780340939260 93287
6 a TX820
Practical cookery/David Foskett, Victor Ceserani , Ronald Kinton
London, [ United Kingdom ] : Hodder Arnold , 2004 Foskett, David 034081148x 100882