Subject Search

TitleNumber of Records : 12

Call.No Title Publishing Author ISBN Record.No
1 a BF371
Human memory
New York, [ United States ] : McGraw-Hill, Inc. , 1967 Adams, Jack A 3836
2 a P53
Memory meaning and method : some psychological perspectives on language learning/Earl W. Stevick
Massachusetts, [ United States ] : Newbury House Publishers , 1976 Stevick, Earl W. 9851
3 a BF371
Memory and awareness : an information processing perspective
New York, [ United States ] : W. H. Freeman and Company , 1984 Klatzky, Roberta L 23781
4 a LB1060
Fundamentals of learning and memory
New York, [ United States ] : Harcourt Brace Jovanovich , 1986 Houston, John P. 24790
5 a QP406
Memory : from mind to molecules
New York, [ United States ] : Scientific American Library , 1999 Squire, Larry R. 38062
6 a QP406
In the palaces of memory : how we build the worlds inside our heads
New York, [ United States ] : Vintage Books, Inc. , 1991 Johnson, George 42932
7 a BF371
Memory, metaphors, and meaning : reading literary texts/Nicolae Babuts
New Brunswick, [ United States ] : Transaction Publishers , 2009 Babuts, Nicolae 1412845831 96492
8 a P115.4
The Psycholinguistics of Bilingualism/Francois Grosjean and Ping Li
Massachusetts, [ United Kingdom ] : Wiley-Blackwell , 2013 GrosJean, Francois 9781444332797 99791
9 a BF385
Moonwalking with Einstein : The art and science of remembering everything/Joshua Foer
New York, [ United States ] : Penguin Books , 2011 Foer, Joshua 9780143120537 105896
10 a BF173
The psychopathology of everyday life/Sigmund Freud; translated from the German by Alan Tyson; edited by James Stachey assisted by Angela Richards and Alan Tyson
Middlessex, [ United Kingdom ] : Penguin Books Ltd. , 1976 Freud, Sigmund 0140217398 106154
11 a BF371
Memory and intelligence/Jean Piaget and Barbel Inhelder; in collaboration with Hermine Sinclair-De Zwart; translated from the French by Arnold J. Pomerans
London, [ United Kingdom ] : Routledge and Kegan Paul , 1973 Piaget, Jean 0710075685 107780
12 a BF431
Tell me a story : A new look at real and artificial memory/Rogert C. Schank
London, [ United States ] : Charles Scribner's Sons , 1990 Schank, Roger C. 0684190494 110343