Subject Search

TitleNumber of Records : 62

Call.No Title Publishing Author ISBN Record.No
1 a LB7
Textos pedagogicos hispanoamericanos
Madrid : Iter , 1968 Galino, Angeles 305
2 a LA91
Modern philosophies of education
New York, [ United States ] : McGraw-Hill, Inc. , 1969 Brubacher, John S. 1375
3 a LB875
Dewey on education/selections with an introduction & notes by Martin S. Dworkin
New York : Bureau of Publications , 1964 1543
4 a LB775
An introduction to the philosophy of education
London, [ United Kingdom ] : Routledge and Kegan Paul , 1971 O'Connor, D. J 2743
5 a LB1025.2
Teaching and learning : psychological, curricular applications
New York, [ United States ] : Macmillan Publishing Co. Inc. , 1975 Lapp, Diane 2746
6 a LB7
Three Historical philosophies of education : Aristotle, Kant, Dewey
Chicago, [ United States ] : Scott, Foresman and Company , 1965 Frankena, William K 3949
7 a LB875
Education for the emerging age : newer ends and stronger means
New York, [ United States ] : Harper and Row Publishers , 1965 Brameld, Theodore 4334
8 a LB885
Philosophy and the American school : an introduction to the philosophy of education
Boston, [ United States ] : Houghton Mifflin , 1961 Morris, Van Cleve 4381
9 a LB7
Eclestic philosophy of education : a book of readings
New York, [ United States ] : Prentice Hall , 1951 5046
10 a LB7
Philosophy of education
New York, [ United States ] : Macmillan Publishing Co. Inc. , 1965 Frankena, William K 5118
11 a LB875
A Catholic philosophy of education
Milwaukee, [ United States ] : Bruce Publishing Company , 1956 Redden, John D. 5642
12 a LB7
Modern philosophies and education : the fifty-fourth yearbook of the National Society for the Study of Education. Part 1
Chicago : National Society for the Study of Education , 1955 9723
13 a LB880
Authority and freedom in education : an introduction to the philosophy of education
New York, [ United States ] : John Wiley and Sons , 1966 Nash, Paul 9931
14 a LB7
What is philosophy of education?
London, [ United Kingdom ] : Macmillan Publishing Company , 1969 Lucas, Christopher J 11065
15 a BF723
Piaget's theory of intellectual development
New Jersey, [ United States ] : Prentice Hall , 1979 Ginsberg, Herbert 13173
16 a LB7
Selected readings in the philosophy of education
New York, [ United States ] : Macmillan Publishing Co. Inc. , 1974 13630
17 a LB1051
Intelligence, learning and action : a foundation for theory and practice in education
New York, [ United States ] : John Wiley and Sons , 1979 Skemk, Richard R 13820
18 a LB19
Educational philosophies for teachers
London, [ United Kingdom ] : Charles E. Merrill Publishing Company , 1982 Bigge, Morris L 16268
19 a LB1025.2
Philosophy of education : studies in philosophies, schooling and educational policies
New Jersey, [ United States ] : Prentice Hall , 1982 Power, Edward J 16835
20 a LA209
The imperfect panacea : American faith in education, 1865-1976
Sydney, [ Australia ] : Random House , 1977 Perkinson, Henry J. 17341
21 a LB19
Philosophic problems and education
New York, [ United States ] : J. B. Lippincott Company , 1967 18218
22 a LB19
Education and philosophical thought
Boston, [ United States ] : Allyn and Bacon, Inc. , 1962 Price, Kingsley 18220
23 a LB19
The teacher and the taught : education in theory and practice from Plato to James B. Conant
New York, [ United States ] : Dell Publishing Co. Inc. , 1963 18312
24 a LB85
The theory of education in the republic of plato
New York, [ United States ] : Teachers College Press, Columbia University , 1968 Nettleship, Richard Lewis 18386
25 a LB885
Toward a theory of instruction
New York, [ United States ] : W. W. Norton and Company , 1968 Bruner, Jerome S. 18397
26 a LB885
Schools without failure
New York, [ United States ] : Harper and Row Publishers , 1969 Glasser, William 18398
27 a LB775
Dr. Montessori's own handbook/introduction by Nancy McCormick Rambusch
New York, [ United States ] : Schocken Books , 1965 Montessori, Maria 18406
28 a LB1025
Teaching with charisma
Boston, [ United States ] : Allyn and Bacon, Inc. , 1981 Duck, Lloyd 18407
29 a LB875
Philosophy of education : (problems of men)
New Jersey, [ United States ] : Littlefield, Adams and Company , 1966 Dewey, John 18420
30 a LB7
Philosophical themes in modern education
Boston, [ United States ] : Houghton Mifflin , 1973 Brumbaugh, Robert S. 18441
31 a LB1025.2
Teaching and philosophy : a synthesis
New York, [ United States ] : Houghton Mifflin , 1972 Wirsing, Marie E. 18535
32 a LB1025.2
Educational ideologies : contemporaru expressions of educational philosophy
California, [ United States ] : Goodyear Publishing Company , 1981 O'Neil, William F 18559
33 a LB125
St. Augustine : of education/translated with an introduction and notes by George Howie
Chicago, [ United States ] : Henry Regnery Company , 1969 18564
34 a LB19
From Skinner to Rogers : contrasting approaches to education
Nebraska : Professional Educators Publications, Inc , 1972 Milhollan, Frank 18574
35 a LB885
A fourth of a nation
New York, [ United States ] : McGraw-Hill, Inc. , 1957 Woodring, Paul 18584
36 a LB875
Schools of tommorrow/introduction by William W. Brickman
New York, [ United States ] : E. P. Dutton and Company, Inc. , 1962 Dewey, John 18598
37 a LC189
Education and the endangered individual : a critique of ten modern thinkers
New York, [ United States ] : Dell Publishing Co. Inc. , 1973 Hill, Brian V. 18599
38 a LA93
Radical education : a critique of freeschooling and deschooling
London : Martin Robertson and Company, Ltd , 1978 Barrow, Robin 18600
39 a LB880
Philosophy of educational knowledge : an introduction to the foundations of science of education, philosophy of education and practical pedagogics
Boston, [ United States ] : Kluwer Academic Publishers , 1992 Brezinka, Wolfgang 27077
40 a LB880
Paulo Freire : A critical encounter
London, [ United Kingdom ] : Routledge , 1993 28252
41 a LB1025.2
Theory of education
London, [ United Kingdom ] : Longman Group Ltd. , 1988 Sutherland, Margaret 29270
42 a LB875
Selected educational writings
London, [ United Kingdom ] : Heinemann Educational Books ltd , 1966 Dewey, John 35438
43 a LB885
Ideology and education
New York, [ United States ] : David McKay Company , 1977 Pratte, Richard 39193
44 a LA205
Two hundred years of American educational thought
New York, [ United States ] : David McKay Company , 1976 Perkinson, Henry J. 39194
45 a LB880
Pedagogy of the oppressed
New York, [ United States ] : Herder and Herder , 1972 Freire, Paulo 39217
46 a LB880
A philosophy of education
Chicago, [ United States ] : Scott, Foresman and Company , 1965 Macdonald, John 39361
47 a LB880
Pedagogy of the oppressed
New York, [ United States ] : Continuum International Publishing Group , 1992 Freire, Paulo 39718
48 a LC473
The pivotal problems of education : an introduction to the Christian philosophy of education
New York, [ United States ] : Macmillan Publishing Co. Inc. , 1940 Cunningham, William F 39795
49 a LA132
Reason and teaching
London, [ United Kingdom ] : Routledge and Kegan Paul , 1973 Scheffler, Israel 44254
50 a LB885
Intoduction to the philosophy of education
New York, [ United States ] : John Wiley and Sons , 1967 Kneller, George F. 47567
51 a LB775
To understand is to invent the future of education
New York, [ United States ] : Grossman Publishers , 1974 Piaget, Jean 47706
52 a LC189
L'elan humain ou l'education selon Alain
Montreal : Presses de l'Universite de Montreal , 1974 Reboul, Olivier 47883
53 a LB125
The mediaeval and the true modern spirit in education : a thesis on education, with a few truisms, commentaries and suggestions on the Princeton curriculum/A loyal and grateful alumnus, twenty-five years after graduation
54 a LB880
Authority, responsibility, and education
New York, [ United States ] : Atherton Press , 1965 Peters, Richard 49296
55 a LB14.7
The power of pedagogy/Jenny Leach and Bob Moon
London, [ United Kingdom ] : SAGE , 2008 Leach, Jenny 9781412907231 93920
56 a LB880
The meaning of conscientizacao : The goal of Paulo Freire's pedagogy/by William A. Smith
Massachusetts, [ United States ] : Center of International Education , 1976 Smith, William A. 100475
57 a LB14.7
The therapy of education : philosophy, happiness and personal growth/Paul Smeyers, Richard Smith and Paul Standish
New York, [ United States ] : Palgrave Macmillan , 2007 Smeyers, Paul 9780230247093 102417
58 a LB875
Democracy and education/by John Dewey
Detroit, [ United States ] : Simon and Brown , 2015 Dewey, John 9781613822814 102765
59 a BX4700
LaSallian education : Which kind of education is it?/Edgard Hengemule; translated by Rose M. Beal; foreword by Edgar Nicodem; edited by William Mann
Minnesota, [ United States ] : Saint Mary's University of Minnesota , 2016 Hengemule, Edgard 9780988658349 104021
60 a LB7
Select readings : Philosophy of education, cultures and values/Lourdes J. Custodio
Manila, [ Philippines ] : UST Publishing House , 2003 Custodio, Lourdes J. 9715062474 107106
61 j LB880
Pedagogy of the oppressed/Paulo Freire; translated by Myra Bergman Ramos; with an introduction by Donalo Macedo
New York, [ United States ] : Continuum International Publishing Group , 2000 Freire, Paulo 9780826412768 109110
62 a LB775
Freinet-Padagogik in kindertageseinrichtungen : Entdeckendes lernen order vom hunger nach leben/Lothar Klein, Herbert Vogt
Basel, [ Germany ] : Herder Freiburg , 1998 Klein, Lothar 9783451263545 112108