Subject Search

TitleNumber of Records : 3

Call.No Title Publishing Author ISBN Record.No
1 a DS36.8
La crise des intellectuels arabes : traditionalisme ou historicisme?
Paris : Francois Maspero , 1974 Laroui, Abdallah 2406
2 a DS63.2
The U.S.S.R. and the Arabs : the ideological dimension
London, [ United Kingdom ] : C. Hurst and Company , 1973 Pennar, Jaan 25026
3 a DS36.8
Cultural encounters in the Arab world : On media, the modern and the everyday/Tarik Sabry
London, [ United Kingdom ] : I.B. Tauris , 2010 Sabry, Tarik 9781848853607 93502