Author Search

authorNumber of Records : 4

Call.No Title Publishing Author ISBN Record.No
1 a HD30.23
Decisions, decisions! : a practical management guide to problem solving and decision making
London, [ United Kingdom ] : Gower Publishing Company , 1983 Leigh, Andrew 20675
2 a HD38.2
The essentials of management : Everything you need to succeed as a new manager/Andrew Leigh
Harlow, [ United Kingdom ] : Pearson Education Limited , 2012 Leigh, Andrew 9780273756415 100287
3 a HD57.7
Leading the way : The seven skills to engage, inspire and motivate/Andrew Leigh and Michael Maynard
Harlow, [ United Kingdom ] : Pearson Education Limited , 2012 Leigh, Andrew 9780273776802 100818
4 a HD38.2
The secret of success in management : 20 ways to survive and thrive/Andrew Leigh
Harlow, [ United Kingdom ] : Pearson Education Limited , 2009 Leigh, Andrew 9780273720348 100846