Subject Search

TitleNumber of Records : 8

Call.No Title Publishing Author ISBN Record.No
1 a BT50
Faith and reason : searching for a rational faith
Michigan, [ United States ] : Academic Books , 1988 Nash, Ronald H 24297
2 a BD215
Belief and faith : a philosophical tract
Chicago, [ United States ] : Henry Regnery Company , 1963 Pieper, Josef 24991
3 a BL240.3
The sacred neuron : extraordinary new discoveries linking science and religion/John W. Bowker
London, [ United Kingdom ] : I.B. Tauris , 2005 Bowker, John Westerdale 1850434816 (hard) 85249
4 a BP194.18
A Catholic-Shi'a engagement : faith and reason in theory and practice/edited by Anthony O'Mahony, Wulstan Peterburs and Mohammad Ali Shomali
London, [ United Kingdom ] : Melisende , 2006 9781901764536 90967
5 g DVD:
Science and Religion - Philosophy & Intellrctual History
The Teaching Company , 2006 93800
6 a BL183
Darwinism and the divine : Evolutionary thought and natural theology/Alister E. McGrath
Sussex, [ United Kingdom ] : Wiley-Blackwell , 2011 McGrath, Alister E. 9781444333442 95805
7 a BL238
The tenacity of inreasonable beliefs : Fundamentalism and the fear of truth/Solomon Schimmel
Oxford, [ United Kingdom ] : Oxford University Press , 2008 Schimmel, Solomon 9780199964451 100467
8 a BT50
Transforming exclusion : Engaging faith perspectives/edited by Hannah Bacon and Wayne Morris with Steve Knowles
London, [ United Kingdom ] : T & T Clark International , 2011 9780567273741 103358