Subject Search

TitleNumber of Records : 11

Call.No Title Publishing Author ISBN Record.No
1 a PJ8410
Les chansons mozarabes : les vers finaux (kharjas) en espagnol dans les muwashshahs arabes et hebreux
Oxford : Bruno Cassirer , 1964 2448
2 a PJ7541
Poetique arabe : essai sur les voies d"une creation
Paris : Anthropos , 1975 Bencheikh, Jamal Eddine 2475
3 a PJ8410
Le jardin des fleurs : essais sur la poesie arabe et morceaux choisis
Paris : Mercure de France , 1913 Ghali, Wacyf Boutros 2506
4 a PJ7541
Introduction au livre de la poesie et des poetes
Paris : Societe d'Edition 'Les belles lettres' , 1947 Ibn Qotaiba 2528
5 a PJ7650
Arabian poetry for english readers
London : Darf Publishers Ltd , 1986 25190
6 a PJ7542
The bad and the ugly : attitudes towards invective poetry (Hija") in classical Arabic literature
Leiden, [ Netherlands ] : E. J. Brill , 1988 Gelder, Geert Jan van 42983
7 a PJ7541
Arabic poetics in the golden age : selections of texts accompanied by a preliminary study
Leiden, [ Netherlands ] : E. J. Brill , 1975 Cantarino, Vicente 43022
8 a PJ7541
Theory and practice in Arabic metrics
Leiden : Het Oosters Instituut , 1989 Stoetzer, W.F.G.J 43038
9 a PJ8410
Hispano-Arabic poetry and its relations with the old Provencal troubadours
Baltimore : J.H. Furst Company , 1946 Nykl, A.R 43119
10 a PJ7541
On the art of medieval Arabic literature
Illinois, [ United States ] : Princeton University Press , 1974 Hamori, Andras 43159
11 a PJ7541
An anthology of Arabic literary criticism in English
Cairo : Dar al-Fikr al-Arabi , [s.d.] 43245