Author Search

authorNumber of Records : 4

Call.No Title Publishing Author ISBN Record.No
1 f BX4700
Everything is grace: the life and way of Therese of Liseux
Washington, D.C.,, [ United States ] : The word Among Us Press , 2007 Joseph Schmidt - 59325-095-9 106966
2 f BV215
Praying our experiences
MN, [ United States ] : SMP-Christian Brothers Publications , 2006 Joseph Schmidt 0-88489-649-8 107455
3 f BX2179
Praying with Therese of Lisieux
Maryland, [ United States ] : The Word Among US Press , 1991 Joseph Schmidt 978-1-59325-263-2 107763
4 f BX2179
Praying with Therese of Lisieux
MN, [ United States ] : SMP - Christain Brothers Publications , 1992 Joseph Schmidt 0-88489-250-6 107764