Subject Search

TitleNumber of Records : 30

Call.No Title Publishing Author ISBN Record.No
1 a GN60
The human species : an introduction to physical anthropology
Sydney, [ Australia ] : Random House , 1963 Hulse, Frederick Seymour 382
2 a GN281
L'apparition de vivant
[s.l.] : La Cite , 1991 Raulin, Francois 1440
3 a GN281
The case of the missing link
New York, [ United States ] : Basic Books , 1962 Clymer, Eleanor 6033
4 a GN281
From ape to Adam
New York, [ United States ] : Bobbs-Merrill Company , 1972 Wendt, Herbert 11207
5 a GN281
Climbing Man's Family Tree : a collection of l major writings on human phylogency, 1966 to 1971
New Jersey, [ United States ] : Prentice Hall , 1972 14860
6 a GN281.4
Fossil man : an evolutionary journey
St. Louis, [ United States ] : Mosby Inc. , 1973 Poirier, Frank E 14869
7 a GN281
Primate evolution : an introduction to man"s place in nature
New York, [ United States ] : Macmillan Publishing Co. Inc. , 1972 Simons, Elwyn L 14875
8 a GN320
Beast or angel? : choices that make us human
London, [ United States ] : Charles Scribner's Sons , 1974 Dubos, Rene 14878
9 a GN282
The fossil evidence for human evolution : an introduction to the study of paleoanthropology
Chicago, [ United States ] : University of Chicago Press , 1978 Clark, Wilfred Edward Le Gros 14951
10 a GN281
Ape into man : a study of human evolution
Boston, [ United States ] : Little Brown , 1974 Washburn, S. L 16381
11 a GN281
Human evolution : an introduction to man"s adaptations
Chicago, [ United States ] : Aldine Publishing Company , 1966 Campbell, Bernard G 16383
12 a GN282
History of the primates : an introduction to the study of fossil man
Chicago, [ United States ] : University of Chicago Press , 1949 Clark, Wilfred Edward Le Gros 16385
13 a GN360
The evolution of man's capacity for culture
Detroit, [ United States ] : Wayne State University Press , 1965 Spuhler, J.N 17426
14 a QH371
Philosophy, evolution and human nature
London, [ United Kingdom ] : Routledge and Kegan Paul , 1984 Schilcher, Florian Von 20120
15 a GN281
Evolutionary anthropology : a reader in human biology
Boston, [ United States ] : Allyn and Bacon, Inc. , 1969 20273
16 a GN281
Man in adaptation : the cultural present
Chicago, [ United States ] : Aldine Publishing Company , 1968 Cohen, Yehudi A 22016
17 a GN281
Evolution from molecules to men
Cambridge, [ United Kingdom ] : Cambridge University Press , 1983 24595
18 a GN31.2
Origins reconsidered : In search of what makes us human
London, [ United Kingdom ] : Little Brown , 1992 Leakey, Richard 28497
19 a BF431
The thinking ape : Evolutionary origins of intelligence/Richard Byrne
Oxford, [ United Kingdom ] : Oxford University Press , 1995 Byrne, Richard 32883
20 a GN281.4
Evolution isn't what it used to be : the augmented animal and the whole wired world
New York, [ United States ] : W. H. Freeman and Company , 1996 Anderson, Walter Truett 38065
21 a GN281
The social contract : a personal inquiry into the evolutionary sources of order and disorder
New York, [ United States ] : Dell Publishing Co. Inc. , 1970 Andrey, Robert 39264
22 a GN281
Evoluation of the genus homo
Massachusetts, [ United States ] : Addison Wesley Publishing Company, Inc. , 1973 Howells, William 39322
23 a QH368
The basis of human evolution
New York, [ United States ] : Harper and Row Publishers , 1964 Kraus, Bertram S 39723
24 a GN281.4
The triumph of evolution and the failure of creation
New York, [ United States ] : Henry Holt and Company , 2001 Eldredge, Niles 41856
25 a GN281
Human evolution : an illustrated introduction
Boston, [ United States ] : Blackwell Scientific Publications , 1989 Lewin, Roger 48670
26 a GN766
The past in perspective : an introduction to human prehistory/Kenneth L. Feder
Boston, [ United States ] : McGraw-Hill Higher Education , 2004 Feder, Kenneth L. 0072549386 90226
27 a GN281
How humans evolved/Robert Boyd, Joan B. Silk
New York, [ United States ] : W.W. Norton , 2000 Boyd, Robert 0393974774 90699
28 g CD:
How humans evolved/Robert Boyd, Joan B. Silk
New York, [ United States ] : W.W. Norton , 2000 Boyd, Robert 90882
29 a QP144
Nutrition and genomics : Issues of ethics, law, regulation and communication/edited by David Castle, Nola M. Ries
Oxford, [ United Kingdom ] : Elsevier/Focal press , 2009 9780123741257 91369
30 a QH331
What is life? : The physical aspect of the living cell with mind and matter and autobiographical sketches/Erwin Schrodinger
Cambridge, [ United Kingdom ] : Cambridge University Press , 1992 Schrodinger, Erwin 9781107604667 103838